Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1 month old

I have probably read a hundred posts from moms who exclaim that their baby is already 1 month old and they can't believe how fast the time has gone.

I never really got it until now.

Really. The time does fly by. It does just seem like yesterday that I got home from the hospital. I can't believe that she's been with me for a month already.

On the other hand, it seems like FOREVER ago that I was pregnant - even though I felt like I was pregnant for ever.

I cannot possibly imagine any other life right now. Ruby has put my life into perspective. Nothing is as important as her. Nothing is as precious as her. And just when I think I couldn't possibly love her any more, I wake up the next day and I find myself loving her even more than I did yesterday.

And today, as if to celebrate her one month birthday, she gave ME a gift. She smiled at me.

Oh yes she did.

I thought she might have been giving the odd smile here and there over the past couple of days but I could never be sure. But today we went for a walk in her stroller and when we got home, I had her sitting in her carseat all content and alert and I was talking to her and she gave me a Big. Fat. Grin.
Undeniable. Unmistakable.

A big fat grin.

I cried and laughed at the same time. It was so awesome.

Later on, we had a little photoshoot. Here's Ruby at one month old:
(note: the pants are NOT rolled up. She's just so long legged!)

I managed to convince Quincy to sit in for a few pictures but she was really none too pleased. She's not all that crazy about Ruby just yet:

And then later she needed a nap. It's hard work being a supermodel:


Anonymous said...

She is SO BEAUTIFUL! She's really a month old already?? Wow.

LOVE the Quincey picture...she's like "what the hell??".


Emily said...

Aww, too cute!

Anonymous said...

If it helps the last month has flown by for me too! She's gorgeous! and I love the Quincey pic too - I'm slightly worried as to how our dog will take to baby - any advice?

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Isn't the smile great? The milestones just keep getting better if you can even imagine it getting better!

Kirsten said...

She is gorgeous!! And, Quincey stole my heart, too :)
There is nothing like seeing your child smile at you...I miss my girls' gummy smiles (but the toothy ones are pretty awesome, too!)

Heavenly Blossom said...

How sweet! She's just too cute!

sara said...

Your doggy and little one are so cute! Yes, I agree...one month goes by so fast doesn't it? ((hugs))