Does that matter? No. Because in the end a little piece of me and a little piece of him came together and the most beautiful little being that we could have ever hoped for was created.
I suppose you could say that a "bonus" of getting pregnant via IVF is that you know the exact day (you might even know the exact time) that conception occurred. And that date was one year ago today.
So I've named March 25th, Ruby's "special" birthday. And I plan on celebrating it every year.
In commemoration of her special birthday, I bought a new charm to wear on the charm bracelet that my mom gave me for giving birth to Ruby. It's a little angel - which I saw as perfectly fitting. And Steve bought an "R" charm to sit beside the angel charm as well. And every time I look at that little angel charm I will remember this special day and think of all the blood, sweat and tears that it took to have her little life created, and how it was all worth it, a billion times over.
I will also be celebrating the day by smooshing and snuggling and kissing and hugging her all day long - or as much as she will allow...

I love the "speical birthday" idea!
Everything about our little miracles is speical.
I love the last pic, she's like, "Ma! C'mon!"
Happy 'special birthday' to Ruby!
Happy Creation Day, Ruby!
Oh, I like Jen's word - Happy Creation Day! I always celebrate June 16 (the day of the dIUI that worked) and June 30 the day we found out! I think us IFer's get these little anniversaries for a reason. I'm sure none of my fertile friends mark these dates each calendar year.
Have a great day!
What a special birthday indeed! I LOVE the second picture of Ruby, she looks a wee bit perturbed. (Did I spell that right?)
As always, the two of you are adorable!
It's late in the day, but just wanted to say congratulations on this milestone - I am so happy for you and your beautiful girl.
Hey insane day yesterday and I thought I commented and then I didn't (duh!)
But - happy special birthday Ruby & Mommy!
The pics are hilarious - that second one is a look I know you'll be seeing a lot when the pre-teens hit! xoxo
Ok, I had to come back on here and tell you something that I thought was pretty cool. A friend of mine did a dIUI 1 year ago yesterday. I went back to look at birthdates and Ruby and her son have the same birthday, too. How often does that happen?
For us, that day is St Patties day - how cool is that? I used to kind of ignore that holiday - but this year we made a big deal. And the photos of the snuggling made me laugh - Hulk is the exact same.
Snuggle. Fuss. CRY! lol.
Good Lord she's cute--and you're beautiful! Happy Special Birthday, Ruby! I need to come up with a clever name for the day that Little Husband survived his open heart surgery but so far all of my ideas are pretty goofy. Oh well, I have a year to come up with something.
I'm late to the party and extra lame because I only just now added this blog to my Google Reader (I know, I know, I suck). But congratulations! Those pictures are so scrumptious of both of you - you are just radiant together! Happy special birthday, Ruby - may you always know how deeply loved you are.
Ooh, she's ADORABLE!!! I'd squish and smoosh and love her to pieces too!!! =)
Also, happy special birthday to both of you!!!
Happy Special Birthday!
That's such a cool idea to celebrate it every year. :)
I love the idea of commemorating that special day! Those are very sweet pictures of you and Ruby.
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