And by "fun" I mean to say that I enjoy torturing myself by obsessing about my weight and appearance and then putting pictures of myself on display and opening it up to world to comment and torture me further...
I didn't weigh myself throughout my pregnancy with Ruby and as I've mentioned probably no less than twenty-seven times, I gained 68lbs. Because I didn't weigh myself as I went along, I have nothing to compare with this time around. Thus far in my current pregnancy I've gained 27lbs. I would think (hope and pray, beg the Gods) that I am not going to gain another 41lbs in the next 12 weeks. So I *THINK* I'm doing alright - or at least better. I know one thing for a fact, and that is that there have been considerably less cheesecake slices consumed to this point.
Still, I needed to post the two pictures so I could look at them, compare them, pick them apart, dissect them, obsess over them.
The angles are slightly different so that doesn't help but I think, I *THINK* my face looks slimmer with #2. Also it may be a different bra, but my boobs look smaller too - a fact that Steve has also noticed and commented on. I like to think my ass looks smaller too but that could be the difference between jeans and black pants. I'm also apparently doing a better job of makeup application than I was 18 months ago...
Pregnancy #1

Pregnancy #2
You are *definitely* slimmer with pregnancy #2. This gives me much hope for my own pregnancy, if there's a second time!
You are slimmer this time around. Even your upper arm looks slimmer. Especially seeing as with Photo 1 you are lifting your arm and in Photo 2 it's against your body. Even if it was the same size you'd expect it to look bigger when pressed against your body. So it's smaller, definitely smaller.
Definitely smaller in #2. You look beautiful, btw!! Oooh...and I LOVE the artwork for the baby's room.
Definitely smaller this time around. But you look beautiful in both pictures, in my opinion. I know it's hard not to obsess, but it seems like you are doing so well this time and I am quite sure you won't gain 41 lbs in the remaining weeks! So I hope you can take it easy on yourself and try to rest as much as possible. You are a smokin hot mama no matter what!
Oh my goodness you are so beautiful. So so so fucking hot, man. Hottest tattoed pregnant momma in town XO
You are one hot momma! You look great, sweetie--and looked great with Ruby too! Body image is tough during pregnancy-but trust me, you have nada to worry about :)
you are smaller...and hotter!!! look at you, hot mama! not that you werent hot before, but motherhood has done you well!! i'm jealous...i am frumpy now that i'm a mom!
You look great in both, but are carrying totally different in both photos! They say boys and girls carry different, but my best friend has only had girls and all 3 have looked totally different. I think you look fantastic.
I also LOVE that artwork for his room. It will work a lot longer than teddy bears and firetrucks would.
Ok, please, I am begging you, stop worrying about your weight. You are beautiful and these people who are mean are horrible.
Pregnancy weight gain is what it is, just keep yourself eating healthy and ignore everything else.
I gained 60 pounds at least during each pregnancy and I lost it all, no problem, until this pregnancy, (4th going almost to term) where I had to actually stop eating icing out of can before losing weight.
You can easily lose it all later. Really. Breastfeeding will go better this time, and god knows that is liposuction, you can work out, it's really no big deal.
What matters is that you love yourself and are kind to yourself and screw everyone who isn't kind to you.
P.S. love the pic for the baby's room, it's great. (Also, have you looked into stroller attachments like extra seats or boogie boards. Some models have them? Might be helpful.)
You look AMAZING. You are awesome mama and on those days I don't think I can go to the gym I think of you and your dedication and it kicks my ASS until I go.
I know it hard not to obsess but seriously? You are gorgeous and really rockin' this pregnancy!
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